Our Father🤲

This is how I stopped praying long prayers, and focused on just praying the Lord’s Prayers, a simple prayer of our Lord.
How I discovered the secrets hidden in the prayer of our lord.
In Matthew 6, when Jesus was teaching his disciples how to pray, he gave them, and to us all, the right and only way to pray to God.
If we decode it together, hopefully, we shall discover those secrets ourselves and we may find that all that we need lies in this simple prayer we keep ignoring.
And I think I blame the church for this absence in the mindfulness of teaching the Lord’s Prayer properly.
A job vested in the church not well done.
In the opening line or words, it says,
Our father, who art in heaven.
This line seems to reverence God, calling Him “Our Father”, and honoring his dwelling place.
Hallow be your name.
The second is more of a worship to God, praising Him, glorifying His holy name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is done in heaven.
Long lasting, His kingdom, what He binds in heaven shall be bind on earth.
These first opening lines is all about appraisal and thanksgiving to God, honoring His great name, and reverencing Him as one true God over all, the Father. So those long worship that goes on for 30 minutes, it has been covered here. A very beautiful way to start a prayer.
The second part of the prayer is more personal and more a request.
Give us today, our daily bread.
A gentle request to ask God for our needs here on earth. Be it a car, a job, a house, peace of mind, and whatever you may require of Him, that bread signifies that.
Forgive us for our sins.
In this part, still in the second portion of the prayer, signifies hope. Hope that we know we have come short of His glory, yet we humble ourselves in our requests to beg for forgiveness. We plead with a graceful heart and a mind that, we have been forgiven, through His grace.
As we forgive the sins against us.
And as for our fellow man, that we may forgive him, as He has forgiven us, through grace. May we find the love to do so.
Lead us not into sin; but deliver us from evil.
Guide us on our journeys in faith, for we do not lead ourselves, so, we do not fall into sin, for as long You go with us, you will deliver us from those that will do us harm.
For thine is your kingdom, power and glory, forever.
The last and concluding section, summarizes your prayer, this part kind of closes the whole thing as a seal. Similar to the first part, this part reminds us that, at the beginning and end, give thanks to God. For it is by His grace. Amen.
Now, I do not saying singing and praying other prayers are not necessary, but, let’s not forget the beauty and power of this prayer.
6 Steps taught in the Lord’s Prayer.
- Address God’s rightful place as the Father
- Worship and praise God for who He is and all that He has done
- Acknowledge that it is God’s will and plans are in control and not our own
- Ask God for the things that we need
- Confess our sins and repent
- Request protection and help in overcoming sin and Satan’s attacks on us
In all you do, give thanks to the source that creates life. Amen
Happy Sunday Everyone.
Stay Blessed🫂❤️.
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